JEE Main Answer Key 2017 – How to use

Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main will be held on 2 April 2017, in offline mode, and on 8 and 9 April 2017, in online mode. The candidates will write the exam to receive admission into UG Engineering courses, like B.Tech and B.E. College across the nation. The level of difficulty will be high, however, most of the questions will cover topics from class XI and XII syllabus. All the questions will be of multiple choice type, and candidates will have to opt for one option, as answer. For marking the correct answer, four marks will be allocated to the candidates. Whereas, for marking wrong answer, negative marking of 1/4 mark will be done.

After the exam, CBSE will issue the result, on 27 April 2017. . However, candidates need not wait so much for the result. As, on 18 April 2017, the Board will upload the JEE Main answer key 2017 and OMR, on the official website. This will be done to maintain the transparency. Along it, a chance to challenge the uploaded key will also be provided. To do so, candidates will have to write an application, requesting check, and submit DD of Rs. 1500 (per question) along it.

Apart from this, unofficial answer key will also be issued, promptly after the exam. These keys will be issued by educational or coaching Institutes. The credibility of these keys is less in comparison to the official key but we will suggest that candidates use it any ways. This will help in quenching the need to know how the result will be.

Unofficial answer key will be issued by Aakash institute, fiitjee, allen kota coaching Institute, on its official website. However, the official answer key will be issued on  (the official website of the paper). Both the keys can be downloaded and used in similar manner. Lets have a look at how to attain it.

To attain the JEE Main solution key, candidates will have to visit the official website. The link will direct candidates to the portal where all the keys, for all the sets will be displayed. Now, this is the tricky part. JEE Main paper will have two papers under it and both the papers will be have four set each. So, candidates must ensure that they are downloading it for the correct set.

Once the key is downloaded, cross-check the answers from it. For marking the correct answer, allot yourself 4 marks and for marking wrong answer, deduct 1/ marks. In the end of the allocating and deducting procedure, you will have your estimated marks.

We would like to remind that marks calculate through the key are not official marks. Only, CBSE has the authority to publish the official scores.

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