SSC Stenographer Result 2017

Result of SSC Stenographer 2017 Level C and D may be assessed here. SSC Stenographer assessment was held on September 4 to 7, 2017 and its own result includes the set of nominees shortlisted for ability test for stenography. Marks are given on the basis of the SSC Stenographer solutions keys released by the Commission. Nominees who satisfy the cut off conditions in written examination and ability test will be called for choice in the Final Result of Stenographer Grade C and Grade D from the Staff Selection Commission. Around 1064 vacancies will likely be filled on the grounds of SSC Stenographer Result 2017 Ministries / Departments of Central Government. Get here entire information on SSC Stenographer Result 2017 written examination, ability test, and final results.

SSC Stenographer Result 2017

Staff Selection Commission ran the written evaluation for Stenographer Grade C and D on 31st July 2016. On the basis of the ultimate solution keys, the documents are evaluated and nominees are given marks. People who get marks more compared to SSC Stenographer Cut Off 2017 is going shortlisted or additionals.

Significant information regarding SSC Stenographer Grade C / D Result 2017 is bulleted here.

Date for resolution of SSC Stenographer Result 2017

The Commission will establish when the result will likely be declared.
A year ago the result of SSC Stenographer test was declared after 12 weeks. Thus, it’s anticipated this year result may be printed in the fourth week of March.

Details demanded to assess result

To inspect the result of SSC Stenographer 2017, one must understand the roll amount. It’s possible for you to examine your roll number in the admit card of SSC Stenographer released by the Commission.

Two lists will soon be released for SSC Result for Stenographers; one would function as the set of nominees qualified in written examination for ability test for the post of stenographer Mark C and another could function as the set of nominees qualified in written examination for ability test for the post of stenographer Level D.

Assess Result Here – Link to assess result will likely be activated here just as SSC declares  SSC Stenographer result. When the result is declared, it is going to be updated here.

The official site of the Commission where result is going to be updated is

SSC Stenographer Result 2017- Final Result

Staff Selection Commission ran the written test on September 4 to 7, 2017, written exam results may also be released. That is followed by actions of ability test for stenography, as detailed below.

Ability Test / Stenography Test

Nominee that has qualified as per result of SSC Stenographer 2017 written examination will probably be called for the ability test. In this test, they will probably be given a dictation for 10 minutes in English / Hindi at 100 wpm (for Stenographer Grade C), 80 wpm (for Stenographer Grade D). This issue must be transcribed on computer in subsequent transcription time.

Stenographer Grade C Stenographer Mark D

Dictation speed 100 wpm 80 wpm
Transcription time for English 40 minutes 50 minutes
Transcription time for Hindi 55 minutes 65 minutes

People who qualify this evaluation is then going to be declared as chosen for the post of Stenographer Grade C or D, as chosen. This statement is going to be done the in the final result of SSC Stenographer 2017.

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