SSC CHSL Result 2014 will be declared on

SSC CHSL Result 2014 is expected to be released in first week of April 2015. The exam was conducted at various centers all over the country in which huge number of applicants appeared. There were 200 questions in the exam. Applicants were allotter 120 minutes to complete the exam. The paper consisted of 4 sections with 50 question per section.

It will decide whether the applicants are selected for the further process or not. The test for Combined Higher Secondary Level was conducted by Staff Selection Commission for recruiting the applicants for the post of lower division clerk and data entry operator. The exam was conducted on 2, 9 and 16 November 2014. At some centers the exam was cancelled therefore re-exam was conducted on 15 February 2015. As the examination is finally over therefore the officials are analyzing the sheets now.

Procedure To Check SSC CHSL Result 2014

SSC will be releasing the SSC CHSL Result 2014 on their official website. Applicants can check their result by visiting the website of SSC. There is no other mode through which candidates can check their result. On the website, there will be a link for checking the result. Candidates will have to click that link to check their result. Then they will have to enter their registration number and birth date as well. On submitting these details applicants will be able to check their result.
As any exact date for the declaration of result is not yet decided therefore applicants must keep visiting our website so that they can keep themselves updated. Moreover if the applicants want to know their marks then they can make use of answer key which is released after the commencement of exam. Answer key can be downloaded from one of the available sources and check their answers. As they keep checking their answers, they must keep writing their marks against the question. At the end they should add all the marks to get their approximate marks. Applicants must remember that at the time of allotting marks applicants must make sure that they allot negative marks for the wring answers otherwise the marks will not be appropriate.

After the declaration of SSC CHSL Result 2014, cutoff marks will be declared by the board. The applicants those who scored marks more than or equal to cutoff marks will be able to qualify for the further rounds. Other applicants will be rejected. Applicants are advised to keep safe this result as it may be require for further process.

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